Tag - basil

Green Goddess Vegetable Dip

Herbs. So many herbs. This dip has most of the herbs we grow in our garden… plus mint I had to buy because for some reason we’re incapable of growing it. This is the first time in three years that anything has sprouted from mint seeds we’ve planted and it’s still not producing anything that looks harvest-worthy. Time will tell!

Add this to the list of recipes made so unbelievably simple with a food processor. If you don’t have one, I suggest figuring out a way to make this anyway because it’s tastes like Summertime.

Green Goddess Dip
1/2 cup fresh dill
1/2 cup fresh mint
1/2 cup fresh parsley
1/3 cup fresh basil
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 whole scallions, roughly chopped
2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Kosher salt
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup feta cheese
1/2 cup Greek yogurt

1. Put all the ingredients in the herbs, garlic, lemon juice and salt in a food processor. Pulse until completely chopped. While it’s running, slowly add in olive oil and run for a few extra seconds. Then add the yogurt and cheese.


2. Eat with every veggie in sight, put it on a salad, or maybe on a sandwich? I don’t know, live a little!



First Harvest in California

Our garden is coming along very nicely! Our beets are looking good, just waiting for the greens to get a little bigger before we pluck those out.


The herbs are doing great too — basil and dill look delicious!


The only trouble we’ve had so far is a mushroom eating away at our swiss chard, so we’re going to try spinach in that spot this time around. We just had our first harvest this weekend;  butter lettuce, kale, and arugula. We decided to slowly take leaves off each so that they can continue to grow. The other way to do it is to wait for full heads to form and chop the entire thing off. I’d rather have greens for a few more months to come! Here’s some before/after pics from the yield.

Butter Lettuce









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